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Cũ 06-04-2022, 11:52 PM
xzvhdghgdh xzvhdghgdh đang online
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Tham gia ngày: Oct 2017
Bài gửi: 690

Hệ thống quảng cáo SangNhuong.com

Leading GI, GL, PPGI, PPGL steel coils manufacturer from Vietnam - Hoa Phat Steel Sheet Ltd

Coated Steel Coils Manufacturer In Vietnam - GI, GL, PPGI, PPGL Manufacturer, Supplier From Vietnam - Hoa Phat Steel Sheet Ltd.

This is Luan On from Hoa Phat Steel Sheet Ltd (Ton Hoa Phat), we are one of leading coated steel manufacturers in Vietnam.

Hoa Phat Steel Sheet Ltd belongs to Hoa Phat Group (establised in 1998), is the largest steel producer in Vietnam. We specialize on manufacturer, supply good quality the belows coated steel coil (GI, GL, PPGI, PPGL) products:

Coated steel sheet in coils (Standard: ASTM, JIS, BS EN, AS, ISO…)

Our main coated steel coils products are:
+ Hot dipped galvanized steel sheet in coils (Zinc coated steel coils – GI coils)
+ Hot dipped galvalume steel sheet in coils (Aluminium Zinc coated steel coils – GL coils)
+ Prepainted galvalnized steel coils (PPGI)
+ Prepainted galvalume steel coils (PPGL)
See more about our products: https://vsssteeltrade.com/coated-steel-products/
Our capacity:

Galvanized and Galvalume Steel coils: 500.000 tons/ year

Prepainted steel coils (PPGI, PPGL): 150.000 tons/ year

See more:
+ Galvanized, galvalume steel coils manufacturer, supplier from Vietnam: https://vsssteeltrade.com/coated-ste...plier-vietnam/
Our export market:

We are exporting over 40 000 tons/ month to over 40 countries in the world. Including USA, Canada and European countries (Belgium, France, Italy, Germany...) and Asian countries.

If you are interested in coated steel coils (GI, GL, PPGI, PPGL) from a leading coated steel manufacturer in Vietnam. Please kindly send your detailed enquiry to us at:

Sales Representative Of Hoa Phat Steel Sheet Ltd:

Address: 2B NTMK, Dakao Ward, District 1, HCM City, Vietnam
Mobile/Whatsapp/Viber: +84 907 112 447
Email: luanov@vsssteeltrade.com

Website: https://vsssteeltrade.com/
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